A Stitch in Time…..


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Its funny how we all think we have a life time to take action(s), when all we do have is but a moment. We allow ourselves postpone what ought to/could be done now till later. Our tomorrow never ends, one tomorrow becomes another and it continues like that; eventually we don’t do it. We fail to take action, sometimes we even ponder over the issue as if we are about to act  but after a while the idea becomes forgotten. Hey! I ain’t castigating you, I’m guilty of this too.
      We often don’t realise that in that moment we wait, in that moment we refuse to take action; someone’s life is hanging in the balance, someone is waiting on you to take action so that they can follow suit, someone is praying for you to take action so that he/she can be fulfilled, someone is waiting on you to do something. Every life is created and dependent on taking action per time and for every moment you wait or procrastinate, a life suffers, an heart is broken, a family starves, a child dies, a country drowns and much more…..
           So I write this in hope that the next time you need to take action, the next time you need to just do it, you will not just defer, you would save a life.
   “A stitch in time, saves nine…..they say!!!

Babalola Michael Tayo